Hebrews 7:25
Therefore, he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, since he always lives to intercede for them.
The book of Hebrews is often explained to be a book of exhortation. We can look at it as a sermon in manuscript form. The goal of a good sermon is to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ in ways that will resonate with the audience.
The Hebrew audience was not ignorant of Jesus, they were actually a group of culturally Jewish Christians. This audience is familiar with the good news of Jesus Christ, but the author felt it important to remind them of that truth. This may seem redundant to others outside of the faith, but it is intentional for those of us who have been brought into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. A good sermon reminds God's people of his goodness.
Hebrews 7 is full of language referencing the Levitical priests. These priests were vital to the Jews because they acted as intercessors for the Jewish people. Without these priests, the Jews would have no way to communicate with God or atone for their sins. The problem with these intercessors, though, was that their position lacked the power to completely atone for the sins of man, and one of the primary reasons for this is that ultimately each of these priests would be defeated by the curse of sin, death.
Hebrews 7:25 reminds us of a priest who would never be defeated by death, but actually defeated death! There is no tradition sufficient enough to save us, there is nothing in our power that can completely atone for our sins, there is only one, and His name is Jesus. We are reconciled to God through Christ's intercession on our behalf. He is our great intercessor, and it is because of his great love for us that we can now enjoy our God forever! Let us not be held captive by our old ways, but let's live in light of our newness of life!
Thank you Jesus for the grace that covers me daily. I pray for wisdom and clarity to see that grace each and every day in order that I may pursue the eternal security that is found in you. Give me the ability to let go of the things of this world that I sought for security, and give me the strength to cling to you!