The Rock

  • Psalm 18:2

    The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

    2 Samuel 22:47

    The Lord lives, and blessed be my rock, and exalted be my God, the rock of my salvation…

  • In Psalm 18, David calls God his rock. To him, God is a place of stability. Somewhere that David can stand without stumbling. One thing this communicates is the fact that God doesn’t change. We change because we’re human. God doesn’t change. He’s perfect. Only when we understand that God doesn’t change can we begin to place our confidence in Him. What confidence can we have in someone who changes? Instead, we know what to expect from God because the Scriptures reveal who He is to us, and He never changes.

    Then, “My fortress” David calls Him. Picture here a stronghold that cannot be moved. Imagine if David would have said, “My armor!” Armor provides some protection, but a fortress provides complete protection and safety. God can be trusted as our truest security.

    “My stronghold”, David says. Some versions of the Scriptures have “high tower”. The idea is a place that David cannot be reached. He cannot be harmed where God has Him. God is His protector.

    In this Psalm, David is in need of help from his enemies. Many times in the Old Testament, salvation is tied to a particular physical deliverance God’s people need from Him. So, when an OT writer talks about God saving them, they usually mean physically (i.e. the exodus). Ultimately, God comes through for His people. He is an immovable rock that we can trust and always stand on.

    Where are you needing the unchanging God to come through for you today? What are you standing in fear of? Instead, be reminded that you can stand on the Rock and He will ensure that you are taken care of. Trust Him!

    The only reason any of that matter is because “the Lord lives.” Because He does, you can face today.

  • Father, help me face today with confidence. Not in myself, but in Your power. You can do whatever you please (Psalm 115:3), so I ask that it would please you to come to my aid in my current problem or situation. You know what I need, so I ask you to meet that need today. I trust that if it’s in keeping with Your will, You’ll hear me and answer.


My Rock & My Fortress

