A Sacrifice
Ephesians 5:2
and walk in love, as Christ also loved us and gave himself for us, a sacrificial and fragrant offering to God.
In the heart of Paul's letter to the Ephesians, nestled within a call for a renewed life, lies a profound command: "… and walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." (Ephesians 5:2). This verse encapsulates an essence of Christian living - a life of sacrificial love modeled after Christ Himself.
Some context for this verse (Ephesians 4:25-5:2) provides a vivid contrast between the old self and the new self in Christ. Paul urges believers to discard falsehood, anger, theft, and corrupt talk - remnants of their former lives. Instead, they are to embrace kindness, forgiveness, and love, mirroring God's character. These instructions are not mere moral guidelines but an invitation to participate in the divine nature, a transformation made possible through Christ’s sacrifice.
God, in His great love, sent Christ to offer Himself as a sacrifice. This sacrificial love is not just the foundation of our salvation; it should be the model for our daily interactions. In Christ’s self-giving, we find the ultimate example of love that is not self-seeking but seeks the welfare of others.
To walk in love as Christ did means to actively seek ways to love sacrificially. It’s in our everyday choices - forgiving others as we have been forgiven, serving without expecting anything in return, and speaking words that build up rather than tear down. This love is not a passive feeling but an active doing, mirroring the love that Christ has shown us.
Holy Spirit, help me to respond to Jesus’ sacrificial love by being a conduit of that love to others. Help me to actively seek opportunities to demonstrate Christ-like love today. Whether that’s forgiving someone who has wronged me, offering a helping hand without being asked, or speaking words of encouragement, let my actions reflect the sacrificial, selfless love of Christ. Help me remember that my walking in love is both a response to and a reflection of the love Christ has poured out for me. Today, may I walk in the presence of God, under His authority, and for His glory. Amen.