Build To Finish

  • Luke 14:27

    Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.


  • Jesus illustrates a lot of his principles with stories and metaphors. Jesus compares our faith and trust in Him to building a tower. The same way architectural design works, so is it with following Jesus. There is a cost to be His disciple, and before you make such a weighty decision you must be prepared. Jesus doesn’t want us for a day, month, or year.

    Jesus wants us for an eternity. Jesus wants us to continually lay down ourselves to be His disciple. It will not be easy, but the reward will be worth it when we are reconnected with our Savior again one day.

  • What did you learn about God?

    What did you learn about mankind?

    What will you do differently today as a result of these verses?


Become A Child of God


Believe In Your Heart, Profess With Your Mouth