Sun of Righteousness
Malachi 4:2
But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves.
Malachi 4 closes out the Old Testament with the final inspired words given by God to the prophet before the 400 years of silence before Christ's coming to earth. Malachi has just clearly warned that those who resist God in 4:1 will be consumed with fiery judgment. But in verse 2, we see that those who fear the Lord will have a much different future.
Those who wait on the Lord will see the sun of righteousness rise with healing in its rays. John the Baptist's father prophesied this just before Jesus was born in Luke 1:78, saying, "because of the tender mercy of our God, whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high." And that sun does come, born in a stall with the light of a star. The Messiah comes forth bearing light.
His rays bring light to the darkness. His kingdom brings light to the nations. Where there was once confusion, there is now clarity and truth. This light reveals what the dark has hidden, showing that sin has no control.
His rays of righteousness bring reconciliation. When Jesus came, He came to make things right where there seemed to be no hope. His death and resurrection bring salvation to all those who choose to accept. That’s not all! When He returns again, He will make things right for all eternity, true consummation for the world.
His rays bring healing. Jesus’ ministry on earth gave us a taste of what eternity will be like. He healed the blind, the lame, the sick, and even raised the dead. What is not brought to full healing now will be fully healed in His resurrection. His rays bring hope beyond the grave.
For the last line of this verse, I want those of you who didn’t grow up on a farm to draw a picture with me in your mind. Calves that are pent up in stalls, when released, go crazy jumping around. The freedom of the pasture overwhelms them with excitement. Better yet, imagine toddlers experiencing the playground after being stuck inside all day. They go out leaping.
The truth is the same for us who experience Christ. He frees us from bondage, and not only is there freedom but there is also JOY. Leaping joy.
This is good news. The sun of righteousness has come and brought forth light that illuminates, heals, and brings joy. And for those of us in Christ, that sun will come down, and we will leap and rejoice in His beauty forever.
Lord, we are so grateful you sent your Son to bring light and truth to this world. Help us to bask in the rays of righteousness and healing you provide. May we sanctify ourselves as we pursue holiness in you. As we wait for your final coming, help us to leap for joy from the bondage we’ve been broken from. Let us live in the light of eternity. Amen.