Bright and Morning Star

  • Revelation 22:16

    I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.

  • As we’ve seen a number of times throughout this devotional, Jesus is making some identifying statements about Himself. He wants us to know who He is. This is an incredible mark of God’s grace that we ought not overlook. Not only is God able to be known; He seeks to be known! He desires that we know Him intimately!

    Those identifying markers are two-fold: He is the root and descendent of David. What is He telling us? He’s the Davidic King that the Old Testament pointed to. He wants the reader to know that He alone is the Messiah that was prophesied of old.

    And because He is the type of King that He is, He has all power. Because He has all power, He is the bright morning star. This bright morning star is intended to signify the beginning of a new day. What kind of new day could Christ be inaugurating? A new redemptive day! Because of His power as King to defeat death and the grave, His resurrection is bringing about a new day for you and me! We can share in the dawning of this new day by repentance and belief in the gospel. As Jesus was resurrected, our bodies will be glorified one day as well. What a cause of celebration! All because of the kindness of the root of David, the bright morning star.

  • Father, what a wonder Jesus is to us! He has brought about the inauguration of the already-and-not-yet Kingdom that He is presiding over. What He began with His incarnation, death, and resurrection, He will consummate with His return. Thank you, Father, for seeing fit to send this King on our behalf. Our joy is made full in Him today!


Sun of Righteousness


Tree of Life