1 Timothy 2:5
For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.
A mediator is a person who works between two parties who are in conflict. A middleman who works to bring the two parties together, to help them negotiate a settlement, reach an agreement and make peace between them.
We see prophecy all throughout the Old Testament that foretells the coming of this mediator. A Messiah who will come into our broken, sin-filled world to build a bridge between sinners and Almighty God.
Jesus, being fully God and fully man, lived a sinless, perfect life. He was unjustly sentenced to death. He was brutally punished without cause. He suffered and died on a wooden cross and it was all for our benefit. Think about that truth for a moment.
By his death on the cross, Jesus made the one and only way that we can be in fellowship with God. He is our perfect mediator. His perfect life and his death in our place bridged the gap between us and Almighty God.
Not only did Christ provide a way for us to one day be in the presence of God when our lives on earth are through, Christ goes before us and petitions for us in the presence of Almighty God. What an amazing truth!!
At the core of Christianity is the truth that we are separated from God by sin, and we need a mediator. Thank you, God for your son Jesus, the perfect mediator.
Dear God, thank you for allowing us to come in your presence. Thank you for your son, Jesus, who made a way for us to come to you. Thank you for extending love and grace and forgiveness to all who seek you. Thank you for the cross, which provided a bridge for us to be with you forever. Today Lord, help me to see and take time to reflect on all you have done for me. Amen.