Author of Salvation

  • Hebrews 2:10

    For it was fittng that he, for whom and by whom all things exist, in bringing many sons to glory, should make the founder of their salvation perfect through suffering.

  • I’ve been to many weddings over the past ten or so years, and at almost every one of them, during the ceremony or a toast, someone brings up that love requires sacrifice. Any one who has been married for any amount of time can tell you that the idea of love requiring sacrifice is not just a platitude. It’s the TRUTH.

    The Lord wrote the script on how we could be reconciled through the Law of Moses. Not only did He write the plans, but he had to carry them out too. And in only the way that God can, He glorified Himself in this plan. The Father made the Son the “perfect” substitute for us through his experience of obediently suffering unto death. Our sin deserved God’s wrath and payment had to be made. So Jesus became a man, not just to live a perfect sinless life, but to die on behalf of imperfect sinful people. Only by taking upon himself our human nature could Christ truly be a perfect substitute to pay the sins of humanity.

    To the most extreme detail, and in probably one of the only ways we would truly understand it, God was willing to show his love for us by sacrificing and suffering for us. Was there another way for us to experience eternity with Him? We will never know the answer to that this side of Heaven. But, what we do know is that God loves us so much that He made sure we couldn’t question it.

  • Father, thank you for the sacrificial love of Jesus, who suffered what we should have in order for us to live in eternity with you. There is no greater love than Yours. Help us dwell in Your love today and let it permeate our hard hearts. Amen.




He Is Faithful