He Who Gives Generously

  • James 1:5

    Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God—who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly—and it will be given to him.


  • Who is the most generous person that you know? What are they generous with? Time, finances, material possessions, hospitality? God’s generosity trumps any person’s generosity that you know—by a long shot. And, he is generous with the most valuable thing there is—life!

    In these verses James urges us to ask God for wisdom, among other things. He explains that God “gives generously to all without finding fault,” highlighting that we have a generous God who gives freely to us who do not deserve it. Additionally, James exhorts us to approach God with a sturdy faith because otherwise we are like the waves of the sea—tossed about back and forth unsure of what we believe.

  • What did you learn about God?

    What did you learn about mankind?

    What will you do differently today as a result of these verses?


He Hears Us


It Will Be Yours