Ask, Seek, Knock

  • Matthew 7:7

    Ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you.


  • Think back at a time in your life when you were persistent with something, really persistent. Odds are, it worked out for you! Even if it did not, Jesus promises that our persistence in prayer will be rewarded. In this passage, Jesus describes prayer as asking, seeking, and knocking.

    Jesus told us to have an intensity, passion, and persistence in prayer. That when we pray for the desires in our heart, as believers, we must ask, seek, and knock. Additionally, Jesus highlights how even as good of gifts as an earthly father wants to give his children, our Father in Heaven wants to give us even better gifts to those who ask!

  • What did you learn about God?

    What did you learn about mankind?

    What will you do differently today as a result of these verses?


Never Passing Away


No Need To Worry