The Word of God Endures Forever

  • Isaiah 40:7-8

    The grass withers, the flowers fade when the breath of the Lord blows on them; indeed, the people are grass. The grass withers, the flowers fade, but the word of our God remains forever.


  • Life happens quickly, one day its blistering hot in early August and then we’re watching the snow fall down in January. Seasons come and go, just like our life here on Earth. In this passage we are compared to grass and flowers because a season is just what our 80-90 year life looks like to God. Everything is constantly changing, people come and people go. New job, new house, new state you're living in.

    As time passes, nothing really stays the same. We are a people of change and transition. Things can get a little exhausting moving throughout life with almost every variable changing all the time. Yet God promises one thing that will never change -- Himself. God never changes. He will always be the same, He always has been the same. His Word will endure the test of time, because the Word is God. Therefore, when we read God’s Word we can know and find stability in clinging to the one thing that will never change -- the Bible and our God.

  • What did you learn about God?

    What did you learn about mankind?

    What will you do differently today as a result of these verses?


God’s Promise


How To Be Successful