Exodus 3:14
God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I am has sent me to you.’
John 8:58
Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.”
Can you think of a time that you were anxious? For some, anxiety comes when one feels there is no confidence to cling to in a trying situation. In Exodus 3, Moses is about to approach the Israelites to tell them of their coming liberation from slavery to Pharoah. Yet, he isn’t convinced the people will listen to him. He wants to know what He should tell them. God says to tell them “I AM…” has sent you. This is a statement from God of His eternal self-existence. No one or nothing compares to Him. In fact, this same God will be Moses’ confidence when he goes before Pharoah, too, who has the power and authority to kill Moses if he so chose.
Fast forward more than a thousand years. In John 8, Jesus uses the same language that God uses in Exodus 3: “I AM.” In this case, Jesus is talking to the Jews who are the generations that followed the liberated ones in Exodus 3. They know who “I AM” is. Don’t they? Not according to Jesus. In John 8, Jesus explicitly ties Himself with the Father. Just as the Father is “I AM”, so too is Jesus. Jesus is God the Son, eternally-existent. He shares in the glory of His Father (John 8:54). And this changes everything. In order to know God as He desires to be known, one must know Him through Christ. And for one to know Christ, one’s confidence must be that He is who He says He is: the Messiah come to save us from our sins.
Father, we believe that Jesus is who He says He is, the great I AM. We know that He shares equally in Your being, for You are one (Deut. 6:4). We thank you for the revelation that Jesus is God, and without Him we do not have life. May all our confidence be in Him today. He is the eternally-existent one who cares for us, who walks with us, and who ultimately will save us from death.