The Last Adam

  • 1 Corinthians 15:45

    Thus it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit.

  • Many times in the New Testament the Apostle Paul writes comparing the first Adam with the last. The first Adam was created and intended to enjoy God in relationship. That relationship was upended by sin, ultimately. Jesus comes as the last Adam to do what the first Adam could not: live without sin.

    The reason the first Adam could not live without sin was because he was creation. He was not perfect. He had the capacity for sin. The last Adam, Jesus, is not creation. He is eternal in nature. And unlike Adam, He is perfect and unable to sin.

    Where Adam was merely a living being, Jesus is a being that gives life. The last Adam doesn’t only exist, He gives existence. Namely, spiritual existence where there was once none. Every person that has ever lived has been born into sin and has a sinful nature because the fallen nature of the first Adam. We are born spiritually dead because of our common ancestor. Yet, the last Adam has come in order that we might be given spiritual life. That spiritual life gives what was once an impossibility for us: union with Christ. Today, we have life not because it is inherent within us. It is not. In fact, true life is alien to us. It comes not from within, but from without. It comes from Christ, the last Adam and life-giver.

  • Father, if not for Christ, we have nothing. We remain dead in our sins and transgressions without Him. We acknowledge today that the last Adam has come in order to seek and to save the lost, which we once were. Once, we were alive physically but dead spiritually. But You stepped in through Christ and gave us what we could not obtain ourselves. Life and life abundant! Help us today to walk in the newness of life we’ve been given.




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