Faithful & True

  • Revelation 3:14

    And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: ‘The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God's creation.’

  • First, context of Revelation 3 tells us who the Amen, the faithful and true witness is: it’s Jesus. This same language is used of Jesus in Revelation 1. The rest of the verse ties up these monikers for Jesus: he is the beginning of God’s creation. This is not related to the creation of the world, but instead of Jesus’ starting of a new creation. That is, being resurrected, He is the forerunner of all who will share in glorified bodies one day when Jesus returns, and the new heavens and new earth is established.

    Greg Beale gives great insight to the only other time the word “Amen” is used as a name. It is used of God in Isaiah 65:17. And in that verse, we see the blessing of this God of Amen: it is the creation of the new heavens and earth, the very thing that Jesus is the pioneer of in this new creation.

    What we can celebrate today is that Jesus has made available to us resurrection power *today* that will empower us all the way home until we see Him face to face in the new creation of our final resting place with Him. He is the Amen, or truth, that makes spiritual life possible. We have been given access to that spiritual life through His death for us. Now, let’s walk in it! May He find us faithful on the day of His return, living as though we’re longing for the completion of this new creation.

  • Jesus, you are the Amen, the faithful and true witness! We look forward to the blessing of the establishment of the new heavens and new earth. Our hearts long for our unhindered enjoyment of You, reveling in the absence of pain, sin, and death. You have made a way for us to grasp hold of this reality, and we thank You today for it!


The Head


A Life-Giving Spirit