
  • John 13:13

    You call me Teacher and Lord — and you are speaking rightly, since that is what I am.

  • Jesus is affirming an assumption made about him by his disciples. The disciples understood Jesus’ purpose and position. This understanding of purpose and position also led them to look at Jesus with reverence. He is teacher, therefore he should be trusted. He is Lord, therefore he should be respected.

    There was something very important going on in this moment though. This wasn't just some sort of encouragement session or positive affirmation circle. This is the moment that Jesus is in the middle of washing the disciples feet. This was a moment of sincere humility, and one that left the disciples baffled. Jesus does not proclaim his position as teacher and Lord in order to assert dominance, he does it in order to demonstrate humility. Jesus, our teacher and Lord, reminds us about humbly serving our neighbors and our enemies. Jesus didn’t just wash the feet of his loyal friends, he also washed the feet of the one who he knew would betray him, Judas.

    If Jesus is truly our Teacher, we should learn from him. If he is truly our Lord we should revere him. If we revere him we should take seriously the way we learn from him. If we learn from him we will trust that we must revere him. The beautiful cycle of the Christian faith is that the more we learn to follow Jesus the more we will desire to follow him. The more we follow him the more we will desire to learn from him.

  • Lord, give me a heart that desires to learn. I want to be drawn closer to you through the knowledge of your goodness. Jesus, I want to serve how you served, and I want to love how you love. Give me opportunities to serve, for it is through this service that I know I will be drawn closer to you.


A Witness to the People

