The Lord of Glory
1 Corinthians 2:8
None of the rulers of this age knew this wisdom, because if they had known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
The Corinthians were a highly intellectual group of people who came from a society based on a blend of rational thought and human lusts. When they became believers, the Corinthians attempted to merge rationalistic human philosophy and sensual practices with their newfound faith. Paul’s letter to them was to implore them to cut ties with their former way of life, both morally and philosophically, because it was based on human wisdom – a poor and incompetent substitute for godly wisdom.
Paul’s thesis statement appears in verse 8 of 1 Corinthians 2; basically, he states that the human wisdom of their age could not comprehend spiritual things at all. If there had been a fragment of godly wisdom, the “Lord of glory” would not have been crucified, nullifying the essence of their redemption. The two worlds cannot and should not co-exist and Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection are essential to believers.
The King of Glory had been declared and described long before he appeared on the scene, foreshadowed in both Psalm 24:8-10 and Psalm 96. Think about it: The Lord’s glory includes strength, might, marvelous deeds, majesty, holiness, and faithfulness. Wrapped up in glory are all the attributes and actions of a Sovereign God who is working for our good and His glory…in the person of Jesus.
Not only did Jesus possess God’s glory, His very presence revealed God’s glory to everyone He encountered (John 17:5 & John 1:14). The Lord of Glory continues to reveal His glory to His followers and…because He indwells us, He reveals His glory in and through us.
What the Corinthians believed was simplistic and beneath their philosophically advanced minds is actually mind-boggling and can only be comprehended with the spiritual mind; we are constantly being transformed into His image with “ever-increasing glory”. (2 Corinthians 3:18)
Ultimately, what Paul stated in 1 Corinthians 1:18 makes even more sense in light of the Lord of Glory: “For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but it is the power of God to us who are being saved.”
God of glory, thank You for giving us spiritual eyes to see truth. May we never endeavor to add the world’s philosophies and practices to our walk with You, accepting a cheap substitute that will only lead us away from You. What You did for and continue to do in us because of Jesus is beyond understanding; thank You for confirming Your purposes in our hearts through our time in Your Word and in prayer.