Creator of All Things

  • Colossians 1:16

    For everything was created by Him, in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities‐ all things have been created through him and for him.

  • Historians and cross references show us that Paul have more than likely never personally been to the city of Colossae; but being the servant of God that he was, the report of the Colossian people that he had received from his trusted friend Epaphras stirred in Paul’s heart the need to write to them regarding errors that were creeping in among the Colossian saints. Paul addresses them as saints and faithful brethren, which leads us to understand that among the Christians, there were those who were allowing error to creep in and those who were remaining faithful to the full truth of the gospel message. Paul’s purpose is to now address the false teaching that was being spread.

    This false teaching was what might be called religious mixing, taking a little of this and little of that, allowing them to comingle. They did it corporately, today, we may be guilty of doing it personally.

    In verse 16, Paul reveals to the Colossians, as well as us, the powerful name of Jesus that magnifies His deity, and solidifies the fact that Jesus Himself is the One that created all things. All includes the universe and all things in it, and there is nothing that He created that could ever usurp His power. The created can never overcome the Creator.

    Jesus Christ, Creator of All Things, holds the power of heaven and earth in His hands. There will always be counterfeits that we are faced with. How can I identify a counterfeit? By spending time with the Creator of All Things. Time in His word and time in prayer allow me to have that intimate relationship that helps me to know Him. When I am intimate with the Creator, I can never be fooled by the counterfeit!

  • Father, help me to always see Jesus for the powerful creator of the universe and all that is in it, both physical and spiritual. Help know Him more intimately, and never forget He has complete control. Knowing this, I can always trust Him to be in control in my life, even during chaos. I can rest in the knowledge of this truth. On the mountaintop, I praise Him, and, in the valley, I praise Him. Oh, what a powerful name, Jesus!


The Head

