God’s Firstborn
Psalm 89:27
I will also make him my firstborn, greatest of the kings of the earth.
The subject of the highlighted verse, King David, is one of the most celebrated kings in all of Biblical history. At first a humble shepherd, David through unshakable faith is turned into a war hero, Army General, and eventually King of Israel. God’s hand was certainly on King David as he sent the rock from the slingshot, built up the city of Jerusalem, and penned many of the Psalms we read today.
At the time, a first born son was the most beloved of the children because he would carry on the family name into the next generation. But, David was not a literal first-born. In fact, he was the youngest of seven sons. So why was he given such a prominent position in God’s kingdom?
As we see with many famous biblical characters (like Joseph for instance), God doesn’t care about earthly status or birth order. He cares about those with an obedient heart to do His will. We can confirm this in 1 Samuel 13:14 where David is described in being a man after God’s own heart.
Jesus, God’s true firstborn, is the greater David. He shares a heart with the Father, and imparts that to us through salvation when he trades his righteousness for our sin. We have the opportunity to glorify the Father by allowing the Son to work in and through us.
Father, thank you for welcoming me into your family and treating me as one of your firstborn children. Thank you for the gift of Jesus, who lays his righteousness upon me despite my sin. May the gift of salvation never appear dull in my eyes. I cherish the blessing of your Son. Amen.