The Rock That Is Higher Than I
Psalm 61:2
From the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
David wrote this Psalm when he was likely far from home and on the run for his life; seeking shelter and safety from either Absalom his son or from Saul. When he says “I call to you when my heart is faint” David is speaking from a place of experience. He has seen God’s hand of protection before and knows that God will hear his cry again. When his heart is faint or overwhelmed, he is recognizing his need for God’s sovereign help. David has declared in the past that God is his strength, his refuge and the God who is steadfast in love (Psalm 59:17). He knows that he can rely on God to get him through desperate and difficult times. He is confident that the only way he can find rest and shelter is in the Lord directing his steps. God is his “rock”, the one whose ways are higher than his.
Like David, we can cry out to God in our time of need and desperation and know that He is our rock, our fortress who will lead us and guide us in His grace because He loves us. David chose to take his circumstance to the Lord, seeking comfort and rest in God. He called out to God in prayer (in the form of a song) bringing his request before God with assurance that the rock of salvation knows better than he. God is in control.
Have you ever felt like David? Completely overwhelmed? Drowning in anxiety and fear over life’s difficulties and trials that come your way? God tells us to “fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10. We can rest in this promise! He is the God who sees and cares, He is our rock.
Lord thank you for listening to me when I call out to you in prayer. Thank you for your promises that you are my help and my source of strength; no matter what I walk through in this life you promise to lead and guide me because of your great love for me. Remind me daily to put my hope and trust in the One whose ways are higher than mine.