We can’t wait to welcome you to TGC! Our team is praying for you as you prepare to invest into our faith family. In order to host you well, please take a moment to let us know a little about you.
Most of our gatherings include a time of worship, a host spot, an emphasis on corporate prayer, a message from the Bible, and a time of response. A typical TGC gathering lasts approximately one hour and fifteen minutes.
Most of the people who attend TGC come to church dressed casually. In warm weather, jeans with a short sleeve button up or polo would be appropriate. In cooler weather, a light sweater, pullover, or jacket may be more comfortable.
Pastor Dallas typically preaches for 40-45 minutes. You are invited to do the same.
Pastor Dallas typically uses the CSB, but occasionally references other translations. You are welcome to use whatever translation you are most-comfortable with.
At TGC, we typically close a message with prayer — at which point our worship team begins to play quietly. After a brief moment of worship, one of our pastors leads a response moment which provides those in attendance with an opportunity to receive Christ or to come forward for prayer.
Our team will talk with you in advance to plan out this moment in a way that feels comfortable for you.
Typically, we ask Guest Speakers to arrive on our campus approximately one hour before the gathering is set to begin (ex: 8AM for our 9AM gathering). TGC is located at 1605 Mars Hill Road in Acworth, just outside of the Brookstone Golf & Country Club.