
The Hospitality Team exists to create a welcoming environment for every single person who arrives on our campus at TGC. When you serve on the Hospitality Team, you are a visible representation of the mission of our church.

  • Whether you’re opening a door for a mom with full hands, smiling and waving to someone visiting for the first time, or walking a newer person to their seat, there are so many different ways you can help us welcome those that God is bringing into our faith family!

    Examples: Parking Team, Greeter, Section Host, Coffee Team, Start Here Tent

  • Hospitality Team members are typically asked to arrive 45 minutes before a gathering begins in order to attend their team Huddle. Due to the nature of their work, Hospitality Team members usually do not have to miss much (if any) of our Sunday gatherings.

    Occasionally, there are weekday opportunities to serve as we host special events at TGC.

  • a genuine love for Christ and others

    a heart to serve

    friendly and genuine

    smiling and kind