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2024 has been an incredible year at TGC!
Looking back on the last twelve months has been an exercise in joy, namely, because we’ve experienced so much of the Lord’s kindness in our times together.
When I think back on all the ‘highlights’ of this past year, most (if not all) of them stem — I believe — from the season of fasting and prayer we shared at the start the year.
As we prepare for all that God has for us in 2025, I can’t think of a better way to begin this year than by setting aside the first 40 days to seek His heart for our lives, our families, and for our church.
Our focus — as a church — for 2025, is around the word YIELD.
Interestingly enough, the Scriptures speak about two different types of yielding.
The first form, found in passages like Psalm 37, Romans 12, and 1 Corinthians 6 speaks of surrender. Perhaps you’ve yielded recently while driving around town. Yield doesn’t mean stop, it just means step back and let another lead the way. This is the same idea that the psalmist and the Apostle Paul were seeking to communicate in the passages above: the Lordship of Christ Jesus in our lives demands that we yield — or step back — so that He can lead the way.
The second form is found in passages like John 15, where Jesus is explaining to His disciples the result of their abiding in Him. He tells them, in verse 5: I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me and I in him yields much fruit, because you can do nothing without me. Here, Jesus uses the word yield to describe the product (or outcome) of their remaining tethered to Him.
Amazingly, though there are different definitions of the word, both concepts are connected: for it is only as we yield that we can yield! Stated simply: we bear fruit only by virtue of being surrendered to Him.
And that’s why, for these next 40 days, we’ll spend time each day considering how we can YIELD more fully to Christ and His work of grace in our lives.
I hope you will join us on this journey as we say ‘yes’ in everything to the Lordship of Jesus!
Pastor D
P.S. — below are a few helpful resources our team has assembled to help you make the most of this season. Take a second to read the brief articles below and feel free to let us know if we can assist you in any way during this journey. And…if you haven’t already…be sure to text TGC25 to 94000 so that you get our daily devotional updates.
(adapted from David Mathis)
Chances are you are among the massive majority of Christians who rarely or never fast. It’s not because we haven’t read our Bibles or sat under faithful preaching or heard about the power of fasting, or even that we don’t genuinely want to do it.
We just never actually get around to putting down the fork. Part of it may be that we live in a society in which food is so ubiquitous that we eat not only when we don’t need to, but sometimes even when we don’t want to.
We eat to share a meal with others, to build or grow relationships (good reasons), or just as a distraction from responsibility. And of course, there are our own cravings and aches for comfort that keep us from the discomfort of fasting.
Fasting is voluntarily going without food — or any other regularly enjoyed, good gift from God — for the sake of some spiritual purpose. It is markedly counter-cultural in our consumerist society, like abstaining from sex until marriage.
If we are to learn the lost art of fasting and enjoy its fruit, it will be with Bibles open. Then, the concern will not be whether we fast, but when. Jesus assumes his followers will fast, and even promises it will happen. He doesn’t say “if,” but “when you fast” (Matthew 6:16). And he doesn’t say his followers might fast, but “they will” (Matthew 9:15).
We fast in this life because we believe in the life to come. We don’t have to get it all here and now, because we have a promise that we will have it all in the coming age. We fast from what we can see and taste, because we have tasted and seen the goodness of the invisible and infinite God — and are desperately hungry for more of him.
Fasting is for this world, for stretching our hearts to get fresh air beyond the pain and trouble around us. And it is for the battle against the sin and weakness inside us. We express our discontent with our sinful selves and our longing for more of Christ.
When Jesus returns, fasting will be done. It’s a temporary measure, for this life and age, to enrich our joy in Jesus and prepare our hearts for the next — for seeing him face to face. When he returns, he will not call a fast, but throw a feast; then all holy abstinence will have served its glorious purpose and be seen by all for the stunning gift it was.
Until then, we will fast.
Fasting is hard. It sounds much easier in concept than it proves to be in practice. It can be surprising how on-edge we feel when we miss a meal. Many an idealistic new faster has decided to miss a meal and only found our belly drove us to make up for it long before the next mealtime came.
Fasting sounds so simple, and yet the world, our flesh, and the devil conspire to introduce all sorts of complications that keep it from happening.
In view of helping you start down the slow path to good fasting, here are six simple pieces of advice. These suggestions might seem pedantic, but the hope is that such basic counsel can serve those who are new at fasting or have never seriously tried it.
Don’t go from no fasting to attempting a weeklong. Start with one meal; maybe fast one meal a week for several weeks. Then try two meals, and work your way up to a daylong fast.
Perhaps eventually try a two-day juice fast. A juice fast means abstaining from all food and beverage, except for juice and water. Allowing yourself juice provides nutrients and sugar for the body to keep you operating, while also still feeling the effects from going without solid food. It’s not recommended that you abstain from water during a fast of any length.
Fasting isn’t merely an act of self-deprivation, but a spiritual discipline for seeking more of God’s fullness. Which means we should have a plan for what positive pursuit to undertake in the time it normally takes to eat. We spend a good portion of our day with food in front of us. One significant part of fasting is the time it creates for prayer and meditation on God’s word or some act of love for others.
Before diving headlong into a fast, craft a simple plan. Connect it to your purpose for the fast. Each fast should have a specific spiritual purpose. Identify what that is and design a focus to replace the time you would have spent eating. Without a purpose and plan, it’s not Christian fasting; it’s just going hungry.
Fasting is no license to be unloving. It would be sad to lack concern and care for others around us because of this expression of heightened focus on God. Love for God and for neighbor go together. Good fasting mingles horizontal concern with the vertical. If anything, others should even feel more loved and cared for when we’re fasting.
So as you plan your fast, consider how it will affect others. If you have regular lunches with colleagues or dinners with family or roommates, assess how your abstaining will affect them, and let them know ahead of time, instead of just being a no-show, or springing it on them in the moment that you will not be eating.
Also, consider this backdoor inspiration for fasting: If you make a daily or weekly practice of eating with a particular group of friends or family, and those plans are interrupted by someone’s travel or vacation or atypical circumstances, consider that as an opportunity to fast, rather than eating alone.
The typical form of fasting is personal, private, and partial, but we find a variety of forms in the Bible: personal and communal, private and public, congregational and national, regular and occasional, absolute and partial.
In particular, consider fasting together with your family, small group, or church. Do you share together in some special need for God’s wisdom and guidance? Is there an unusual difficulty in the church, or society, for which you need God’s intervention? Do you want to keep the second coming of Christ in view? Plead with special earnestness for God’s help by linking arms with other believers to fast together.
Fasting from food is not necessarily for everyone. Some health conditions keep even the most devout from the traditional course. However, fasting is not limited to abstaining from food. As Martyn Lloyd-Jones said, “Fasting should really be made to include abstinence from anything which is legitimate in and of itself for the sake of some special spiritual purpose.”
If the better part of wisdom for you, in your health condition, is not to go without food, consider fasting from television, computer, social media, or some other regular enjoyment that would bend your heart toward greater enjoyment of Jesus. Paul even talks about married couples fasting from sex “for a limited time, that you may devote yourselves to prayer” (1 Corinthians 7:5).
When your empty stomach starts to growl and begins sending your brain every “feed me” signal it can, don’t be content to let your mind dwell on the fact that you haven’t eaten. If you make it through with an iron will that says no to your stomach, but doesn’t turn your mind’s eye elsewhere, it says more about your love for food than your love for God.
Christian fasting turns its attention to Jesus or some great cause of his in the world. Christian fasting seeks to take the pains of hunger and transpose them into the key of some eternal anthem, whether it’s fighting against some sin, or pleading for someone’s salvation, or for the cause of the unborn, or longing for a greater taste of Jesus.
Virtually everywhere we read of fasting in the Scriptures, it is accompanied by prayer. And with good reason! It is foolish to think that abstinence alone will accomplish anything of eternal significance. But prayer gives life to our fasting! It reminds us of our need for God and moves us towards greater surrender to His will.
It is through prayer that we give voice to the Spirit’s work in our hearts, crying, “Abba, Father,” as we confess our desires for deeper intimacy with Him.
Fasting — even prayerful fasting — is no guarantee that God will do what we ask. If our asking is rooted in our will, rather than His, we should expect our prayers to remain unanswered. If however, God’s Spirit guides us to pray like Christ, “not my will, but yours be done,” we can know that not only does our Father hear us, but He delights in answering our call.
1 John 5:14-15 grants us this assurance: This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of him.
In the prophet Isaiah’s time, the people grumbled that they had fasted, yet God did not answer in the way they wanted (Isaiah 58:3-4). Isaiah responded by proclaiming that the external show of fasting and prayer, without the proper heart attitude, was futile (Isaiah 58:5-9).
For this reason, a spirit of humilty ought to sweep over us in this season. If we wish for our fasting to be fruitful, we must embrace a posture of total surrender to His will.
I have long-loved the words of 2 Chronicles 7:14-16: if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. I have chosen and consecrated this temple so that my Name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there.
This is the promise of God to us! The temple is no longer a building, its our bodies (1 Corinthians 6:19), because God’s Spirit now dwells in us.
Therefore, let us call out with confidence, together, trusting that His eyes and His heart are upon us forever!